
It’s a cosmetic dental procedure where hydrogen peroxide is used to whiten the stains deep within your tooth that toothpastes and rinses cannot rinse or brush away to lighten the shade of your teeth.


 What is teeth whitening?

Yes. Many people are under the mindset that teeth whitening is not safe, which is far from the truth. When done professionally, teeth whitening is very safe. What is important to understand is that overdoing it can make the teeth sensitive. Our processes specific to our company have made the sensitivity very minimal to none at all.


Is teeth whitening safe?

Yes. Teeth whitening is known to cause some sensitivity during and after the procedure. We are different from any other teeth whitening company by developing and using a very unique process exclusive to our company that is clinically proven to prevent and drastically minimize sensitivity in most people. 


Is sensitivity normal? 

If you’ve experienced sensitivity with whitening before or have sensitive teeth, our exclusive desensitizing process significantly minimizes sensitivity coupled with shorter sessions is often the best way to help patients get a white smile without lingering sensitivity afterward. The most sensitive areas in the mouth are along the gumline due to recession (exposed root) . We place an impenetrable gingival barrier over these exposed areas so they are fully covered and protected from the whitening gel.


My teeth have been sensitive before, will professional teeth whitening hurt?

Lumiarie's professional teeth whitening is safer and much more effective and quicker at getting your smile to the highest level of white possible compared to any other whitening. We use the highest dental grade potency and place a strong impenetrable gum barrier that protects the gums. Our process never dehydrates the teeth which ensures a true shade result without fade back and prevents severe sensitivity. Others use very weak solutions and apply vitamin E oil which gel can penetrate. Salons use lights to dehydrate the teeth for long periods of time so the teeth appear whiter and give a false shade result due to the dehydrated chalky white appearance which causes severe sensitivity and yields very poor results. The teeth eventually fade back to their true result in 2 days when teeth are fully hydrated. 


What is the difference between Lumiarie's teeth whitening and other teeth whitening treatments? 

It is not typically recommended for ages 14 and younger, due to the sensitivity of developing and newly erupted teeth which are naturally more sensitive and decrease with age. For younger individuals that desire a whitening treatment, we take precautions by using a very customized process with special products that minimize sensitivity for younger Individuals. 


At what age can teeth whitening take place?

Although teeth whitening is a safe procedure, it is not recommended for pregnant women. The American Dental Association advises women to wait until after birth and nursing to get any form of cosmetic dental procedure including teeth whitening.


Can I whiten my teeth while I am pregnant or nursing?

Teeth whitening results can last for months, but teeth can also fade within weeks depending on an individual's diet and oral care habits. 


How long do whitening results last?

Once you have completed your customized whitening treatment and your smile is the brightest level of white, we recommend our Refresh and Revive maintenance treatment as needed or using our exclusive professional at-home whitening kits to ensure your results don’t fade. Our customized maintenance recommendations can vary greatly from person to person depending on each person's habits, lifestyle and needs.


How often can teeth whitening be done and will I need to make appointments to maintain my results?

Yes! Before your teeth are professionally whitened it’s a good idea to first have them thoroughly cleaned by a hygienist and have a dental check-up. The cleaner your teeth are prior to whitening, the better the whitening solution can work! We also require all clients to use our clarifying toothpaste 2 weeks prior to their whitening treatment.


Is there anything I should do before booking a teeth whitening appointment?


If I need dental treatment, like crowns, fillings, or implants, should I wait to get my teeth whitened?

Nope! Unless you're in pain or a tooth needs to be fixed immediately, teeth whitening should always be done before you get a dental crown, implant, or any other type of restorative or cosmetic dentistry service.

Composite (tooth colored) filling material can only be whitened back to their original shade. All crowns and bridges cannot be lightened, so you want to be sure your smile is the ideal brightness level you desire before you have any restorative treatment done so your dentist can accurately color-match to your new shade. 

If you already have a dental crown, implant crown or filling that are too dark, don’t worry. It’s possible to replace the crown or filling after your desired shade is achieved and the new restoration can be matched perfectly to your new white teeth.


If I have existing fillings, crowns and implant crowns and bridges will they whiten?

No. Professional teeth whitening is very customizable, and because it’s brightening your natural teeth, it’s very difficult to make your smile look fake or too white.
If you’re concerned about too stark of a contrast, let us know and we will tailor your whitening session to match your needs.


 Will my results look overly white or fake?

Teeth Whitening gel is not regulated by the FDA because it is classified as a cosmetic product and not a food. No Whitening gel is able to be FDA approved, however the technology device that we use is FDA registered as a class I medical device. 


 Are your products FDA Approved / Registered?